Mastering Jetlag: A Science-Based Approach to Beating Time Zones

Jetlag occurs when our biological clocks are out of sync with the time shown on our watches after traveling across multiple time zones. Our bodies take time to adjust to new light-dark cycles in the destinations we travel to. However, there are a few science-based strategies you can use to help overcome jetlag and adjust to a new time zone as quickly as possible.

First, start adjusting before your trip. If traveling east, expose yourself to bright light in the mornings and avoid it at night. This helps you wake up earlier and go to bed earlier. For westward travel, do the opposite. Also, start shifting to the destination’s meal schedule and avoid heavy or spicy foods that can disrupt your sleep.

On the flight, avoid alcohol and caffeine and stay hydrated. Set your watch to the destination time and start adjusting your sleep schedule. Try to sleep if it’s nighttime at your destination. Use earplugs, eye mask and melatonin supplements if needed.

Upon arrival, get exposure to natural light as much as possible. Go outside during the day and open the curtains at night. This helps reset your circadian rhythm. Avoid screens and bright lights before bed.

Take short 20-minute power naps when needed to recharge. But avoid long naps which can interfere with nighttime sleep. Go to bed early if it’s nighttime at your destination.

Eat meals at the appropriate times for your destination. Having an empty stomach or not eating for long periods can worsen jetlag. Stay hydrated, avoid excess sugar, and have light, balanced meals.

Be patient and avoid stressful activities. Give yourself time to recover and adjust. Most people adjust at a rate of about 1-2 days for every time zone crossed. Light exercise like walking or yoga in the mornings can provide an energy boost.

With these tips, you can overcome jetlag faster and enjoy your trip. The key is gradually synchronizing your body’s internal clock to the destination time zone before and during travel. By managing exposure to light and scheduling meals and sleep appropriately, you can master your jetlag and feel rested on your next trip.

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